Katiana Sourn
Linux, Windows
Financial Recovery Technology is a fintech company that specializes in Class Action Litigations. The company has viewed me as a valuable asset, allowing me to partake in multiple departments which solidifes my understand of how the company works together as a unit; it also displays that communication and cooperation is always needed to succeed
Tools: Git, AzureDevOps, Javascript, Typescript, Angular, NodeJS, HTML, CSS, Linux, Shell, Oracle SQL
Collaborate with cross functional teams to design, update or implement new features. Managing front end, back end and database codebase.
Tools: Word, Outlook, Skematic
Compliance data entry regarding side letters and other terms of contracts
Tools: Excel, Microsoft GP, Salesforce, Concur Solutions
Analyzing and Organizing data for Tax preparation and Vendor Management, assist in expense reports and support other account payable operations
Tools: ToastTab Interface
Providing excellent service, Cash and Card transactions